Monday, 12 May 2014


The logo for the production company has been made in Illustrator. The name of the company is HelpMe Cinema.

First I made a the name in text. For this I was assuming a white background. I a created a solid black rectangle and wrote the name HELPME across it in white Arial bold caps to produce block text. This creates a negative space effect that works very well. The work CINEMA is written underneath in black to contrast the first word

Next for a symbol I experimented with various drawing tools, like trying to make a pentagram with the line segment tool. I realised that as the text was very neat and formal the logo needed to contrast this, as the text literally contrasts itself. I thought hand drawn eyes looking scared or menacing would be great, but I could get anything working that looked like what I was going for.

I continued to experiment and found a tool that was very good for the task, the blob brush tool. This tool is like the brush tool but it fattens itself after drawing which smooths the lines This was a godsend as it allowed me to draw an eye so it both looked professional and hand drawn.

The type of eye I settled on was an Egyptian style eye, this both looked awesome and gave a nod to the monster movies of the golden age of cinema. I applied black to the stroke and white to the fill so when a 3D effect was applied it becomes raised but very simply.

The first image was done as if it would be placed on white background.

Next a crated a copy of the white based file and reversed the logo blacks and whites so it can be placed on a black background and still have the same effect. For the purposes of this block I have placed a temporary black box around the logo.

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