Monday 12 May 2014

DVD Trailer - Ideas

I have collect up a few examples of DVD trailer ideas. I've found the trailers for the movies on line.

Paranormal Activity

A very good trailer, lots of soft transitions to begin with, and then the pace picks up and the transitions become startling. There are good static noise EMF type effects. (xXXBloodinmyhandsXXx, Paranormal Activity 1 Trailer Official HD, [video online]<>. [Accessed on 12 May 2014])

Paranormal Entity

Again a good trailer, it produces a good sense of fear, viewing it from the eyes of the trailer. It's perhaps a little light on transition effects, though it is trying to give the idea that it's all home shot and cut. (asyluminternational, Paranormal Entity Trailer, [video online]<>. [Accessed on 12 May 2014])


Fast and frantic with lots of cuts and dissolves at the end but a good creepy build up to it. Makes a very good use of the scenes in the movie. (DimensionFilms, Pulse Trailer - Click To View , [video online]<>. [Accessed on 12 May 2014])

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